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The Water Journal

The other day there was a photo doing rounds in social media on how unscrupulous people were filling up water bottles to sell as drinking water. People responded angrily with most suggesting that the crooks be traced and thrown to jail where they belong. None of the responses touched on the alternatives available for clean and safe drinking water.

And this made me ask myself if the people are truly aware of the simple and alternative ways of having clean and trusted water for use at home. When they condemn the water being filled in the pet bottles, are they aware that the water from their taps could be more lethal than even the water they were condemning. Does the color matter? What makes our water unsafe for use especially for drinking?

And this further reminded me of the many occasions I have had a discussion with my neighbors and even taken them through the water filtration systems that I use in my house. None of them has ever purchased a water filter for the 10 year period I have been selling water filters. Actually they tend to avoid my direction whenever they are carrying their refill water bottles either from or to the supermarket on a matter that touches on their health.

Hence begs the question, what makes water unsafe for drinking?

(The Photo as received in my social media accounts)

~~ARR~~ Journal No.001

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