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                                      ''Partnering to Positively Impact Humanity "


Japmor is a for-profit social venture  founded in 2009 to bring Localized, Affordable, Life Changing and Sustainable Solutions to the last mile person. core mission is to provide safe and affordable drinking water to one and all.

And the the long-term goal is to have at least 80% of the households in Kenya using a water filter by 2030

JAPMOR has served over 1 million households with clean and safe drinking water solutions.


To tackle Social, Health, Education and Environmental needs using blended – value business model.

Partnering to Positively Impact Humanity in areas of common and basic needs through provision of,Localized, Affordable, Life Changing and Sustainable Solutions

Mr. J Rakwach

Co-founder member and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)


Wide experience and in-depth knowledge in both Credit and Commercial Sales and Marketing gained from working with various companies and markets in Kenya.

He understands diverse cultures of because of his work related extensive experiences.

Mr. Rakwach has a burning desire to empower and improve the well being of Kenyan communities through provision of affordable localized solutions. His ultimate goal is to have a water filter put in every home by 2030.

Atieno Rakwach

Co-founder member and Chief Operations Officer (COO)


With a background of NGO work, “Madam Rose” as she is popularly known, has a wealth of experience in Economic Empowerment mostly of the last mile person.

She is at her best when talking matters of Social Entrepreneurship.

Madam Rose has, is and will always be very passionate about improving the lives of people through the provision of impactful products that are affordable and sustainable. She has the vision of  a future where clean water is available to all. She shares the goal of having a water filter in every home in Kenya by 2030.

Arminia Cabuay

Strategic Development Partner


Arminia has been our trusted strategic partner and friend since January 2011 when she made her first purchase of Sawyer Point One Bucket Water Filter on behalf of International Teams Organization. She  has been a link to many partnerships. Ami is always spreading the word of ''clean and safe water gospel"

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