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The first few years of introduction of our water filters into the market were extremely challenging and most often we felt like giving up and venturing into other more lucrative endeavors. The general attitude towards water safety matters was not encouraging at all. Even some of our partners with whom we were implementing household water treatment solutions’ (HWTS) appeared not to have much interest in these interventions.

Most often people made it clear to us that their immediate concern is the availability of water and not its safety. Many times, we would be left feeling discouraged for not giving a holistic kind of solution to the people.

But even on such occasions, we would sometimes come across some unique people who bring in lots of positivity, life, and encouragement to our work. Josephine Kasyoka is this one unique person. We met her when training people in Kathiani, Machakos County. This was a Compassion International sponsored HWTS intervention project and we were to distribute 1940 water filters in this area after this particular training. During the training, the conversation took the path of water scarcity versus water safety. Kasyoka took to the floor and educated her people in the most illustrative and impressive way I have never seen before. Without much effort she made them understand that not having water is unfortunate already but falling sick because of drinking unsafe water will be double tragedy; Being sick, and not having water at all as the sickness cannot allow one to go look for water is a situation that should be avoided at all times where possible. The nods, the smiles,

and the looks could tell it all. Kasyoka had passed the point home. The dots and the connection were complete. It dawned on them that having water is important, but using safe water is equally important.

Thank you, Josephine Kasyoka. People like you make us want to do more each day. And thanks to the people of Kathiani for giving us a chance to serve you. We know that this important education will spread widely; no more demands from your area that we make the water available first before we talk of its safety.

~~ARR~~ Weekly journal~~007



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